28 April 2023 

To Whom It May Concern, 

As a combat veteran, I was introduced to Grady P. Davis III, President of Weekends With Warriors (W3) by friends and fellow combat veterans. Initially I was skeptical due to less than positive experiences with other veterans organizations. After meeting Grady, and other vets who are connected to W3, my concerns were assuaged and I came to realize that in this case, my wariness was completely unwarranted. 

From day one, I have witnessed the way W3 brings warriors together. “Brothers Helping Brothers” is not just a motto, it is a way of life these men live daily. In some cases, nightly. I have personally witnessed the amount of time Grady Davis spends either on the phone or on the road, anytime a vet reaches out in need. Not time of day, nor cost, nor the logistical issues are hurdles for this man and the organization he leads. I have been honored to participate when a vet somewhere needs a hand. Sometimes, something as simple as a phone call or text makes all the difference to an individual in need. In some cases, it has quite literally saved the life of the soldier on the other end of the line. 

Grady Davis and W3 has built a network of capable veterans who work hard and play hard to keep each other. All work together to keep old friends as well as new ones thinking and acting together in the most positive manner. Grady has reconnected me to friends I served with and lost contact with years ago. Anytime one of us has an issue, there is a plethora of men and women ready and women ready to step in and give a hand up. W3, with the sense of brotherhood it has fostered, will continue to build momentum as more and more combat veterans are brought into our band of men and women who enjoy each other’s company in good times, as well as in times of great need. 

All W3 activities I have ever attended have been well planned and thoughtfully coordinated to support the needs some of the combat vets will inevitably have. All vets are welcome and as we did in our service, there is a great atmosphere of positivity and comradery to be enjoyed and experienced. The outings themselves are challenging, great fun, and encourage us to work together, and participate in every way possible. 

We owe Grady P. Davis a great debt of gratitude, and will continue to participate and support in the herculean effort he puts into supporting US as United States Military combat Veterans!

Sincerely and Respectfully,
SFC Brian W. Howington

C 3/319 82nd Airborne Division 2003-2006
SFAS/SFQC 2006-2007
7th Special Forces Group (Airborne) ODA 7323 2007-2013
6th Bn 1st SWTG 2013-2016
1st. SFC(A) Office of Special Warfare 2016-2023